Abiding through Rest, Reverence and Revelry


Christians say we live life in two directions. Vertically with God and horizontally with people. This sounds weird, but its simply means our relationship with the creator instructs our relationship with creation.

Below are three ways you can practice this in your life.


Gospel Reverence

Seeking excellence and justice in all the places we live, work and play. We will fall short of this goal everyday. Isaiah 6

Gospel Revelry

Celebrating the finished work of Christ in every area of life. Christ is victorious! Romans 8 & 2 Corinthians 4:5-12


Gospel Rest

The intersection of Reverence and Revelry. We fail, Christ is victorious.
We are adopted
Isaiah 43

When we live from the work of Christ, embracing all three on life's continuum, we practice abiding. (Micah 6:8)

Abiding is not a fixed destination, but a process. It is the journey of spiritual growth and a work of God’s free grace. Through it we are renewed to our true self and enabled more and more to live to righteousness. Through abiding we discover who Jesus is and who we are created to be.