Table grace

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Gullah Geeche Grace

Ms. Barbara, a prophetess of mercy.

Through providence, on a remote island, she spoke.

“Sometimes you need to hear God say YES’’.

On one side, men dripping with resources and “no trespassing” signs.

On the other, Barbara. A outcast slave descendant on barrier islands of poverty.

In the middle, me, a stranger to both.

From her wages of service, A FEAST!

Fish, shrimp, chicken, corn, potatoes, sausage, beans, hushpuppies.

From the wages of mercy, A welcome dripping in gratitude.

Mercy spoke.

“Sometimes you need to hear GOD say YES

Christ fed through poverty when riches would not.


Cynicism tells us that charity has unseen strings, like a spider web, and the price for pulling will devour us. So charity becomes commerce, and we seek to purchase our independence. But true charity never binds. It gives. The story above is of a mercy my family received several years ago. No strings were attached. Unfortunately, I was unwilling to receive the mercy in whole. I thought I could mitigate my merit. So I gave Barbara’s husband cash. (I thought about hiding this part of the story, but I think its important as we learn gratitude.)