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Talking with my sleeping wife

I wrote this during a very difficult season of life. I was a full time pastor and full time student. Our second child was on the way. The Church I worked at was experiencing chaos. Our basement was taking on nearly 1500 gallons of water daily. In order to accomplish my school work I had to stay up extremely late and rise early. Often 2 or 3 am would come and I would close the books from exhaustion.

Talking with my sleeping wife

The house is asleep with one light on.

In the silence of the night I think of you

Once again, the clock turns night to day

As my dreams wonder aimlessly in the yard

Spring has had its way with me

And I am ready to give up the fight

But these mental revolving images of you keep me, lift me, and carry me.

For moments ago this one light seemed to be a prison

Binding me to its late night glow

But a thousand secret glances have brought you seated by my side

With comfort I feel your presence

Pouring encouragement and hope back into my weary mind

All these fragment memories paint a puzzled portrait of you

My Heart Melts

I fall to my knees and sing thanks to our God

For I have been talking with my sleeping wife.

- B.Oaks