I am a man who has learned more from the fray than I ever imagined possible. Sometimes I walk in the fray, sometimes I am the fray. Below is a short history to help you know me better.



On one hand you could say I am a product of Birmingham Alabama. The “Magic City” is a mixed bag of good and bad. Historically it has been a melting pot and a source of division. If you know the city then check out this video starting at minute 15:00. Watch about for 4 minutes and you get a sense of my connection.

On the other hand, my time outside the city has been equally formative. Through the years “home” has been many places: California, Louisiana, Georgia, Missouri, Texas, North & South Carolina, etc. I’ve also had the privilege of extensive stays in Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Ireland and China. Who I am today is inseparable from the time I invested with the people in all these places. From sunrises in the Himalayas to sunsets on the bayou, they are all part of God’s crafting work in my life.



I’m over simplifying things by breaking it down into corporate and vocational ministry. But the goal is to give you a list of my experiences for your reference.

Here are some of my corporate paths:

  • retail & fast food (classic first jobs)

  • Firms ranging from Boutique to Fortune 500

  • Operating a design business (I have ZOES original operation manual, potato salad anyone?)

In vocational ministry, through providence, I have worked through:

  • Mega Churches, Start-up endeavors (Stateside and international)

  • Enough abstractions to make your head spin 

If you have read this far, then you can probably identify with the line above. I’ve been on all sides of “abstractions” many times over. I can with confidence tell you that God welcomes your questions, especially the hard ones. In fact, the bible specifically teaches us how to talk to God in hard times.



I’ve listed this stuff for the off chance that you might relate to some of it. But life brings questions in ways outside of work, family and faith. While those ways are unique to you, you are not alone. This journal is from a man who has touched the boundary (or has felt that way) multiple times over. Each time, in that dessert, I found Jesus waiting with a feast.