Table Grace is a place to explore questions when the answer is outside our reach. It is a journal of thoughts and experiences from a husband, father, pastor and recipient of grace.


We are all works in progress

The table reaches and shelters everyone who stand on nothing but the grace of Christ. Trusting that grace is one of life’s biggest challenges. The poetry, videos, and journal entries all center around the central theme of dining with Jesus when life has unknowns. You are invited to sit at the table, mess and all.

I assign to you, as my Father assigned to me, a kingdom, that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom
— The Gospel of Luke chapter 22

Who this is for

  • ME :) These things are part of my personal worship. You are invited to join me at the table as I explore these questions with Jesus

  • My friends. (You are loved)

  • (another video, why not)

  • Anyone who stumbles upon this with similar questions. You are not alone

  • Special thanks to:

  • Heather: I am still learning from you.

  • My Children: Nothing you can do will make me stop being proud of you. I will love you always and forever.

  • Family: God is doing this in your life too. I pray you find him more merciful than you ever imagined

  • Friends: God teaches me of himself through you.