The Press

We are all like wandering sheep. Straying closer to the cliffs edge. Testing the tinsel strength of God’s love. Sometimes our wanderings are visible, other times they exist in the deep chambers of our heart. In these spaces there is often an argument we have with God. We seek both him and our desires, convinced they are not only compatible, but designed for each other.


Let's mitigate our positions. 

Now give me the grasp of my pursuits!

Your press has trapped my entire arm on this well's lip. 

I cannot move.

"Let go" You say?  - I have reached to the breach. 

Since when does Love become license?

I will claim jurisdiction over myself.

Let's mitigate our positions. 

I prefer here and now, 

Relent your press and grant freedom by these terms:

I will insert my hand, arm, head and everything to my feet. I promise to keep a toes grip on the lip, so as not to appear obstinate. 

To be frank, it seems daft upon an ease, extending further in, you press again.

Let's mitigate our position. 

-B. Oaks

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
— Galatians 5:1