Mumble Bumble

RJ Clifford says this about wisdom.
Wisdom is a free gift, the way to it is discipline, in the willingness to learn from others and the capacity to bear pain and contradiction.

Perhaps our stumbles and the rumbles are part of that contradiction: teaching us of God’s kindness.

Mumble Fumble Bumble

round the rough paths I stumble.

The jagged ragged ledges of a day long drawn down

Who placed this path under the boulder?

Now older, bolder more faithful courage to ascent

mumble fumble bumble

round the rough paths I stumble.

The ragged jagged edges of years drawn thin

I placed this path under the boulder

Now older, bolder more humble to descend

mumbling fumbumbling

round and round and round the rough path I stumble.

God placed the boulder and the path

Grateful now. Not to ascend, nor to mourn.

but to laugh. A pleasant line drawn in my path.

- B.Oaks

The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.
— Psalm 16