Sweet Creative Mind

I wrote this over 12 years ago. Still true today.

The painting is from 2014. Wood board. 36x36 with 2.5 inch relief

We tucked in the kids and headed to the kitchen. It was that time of day when spouses finish chores and debrief the ebb and flow of life. Tonight the dishes were piled a bit higher because the ladies of the house had made cupcakes, frosted cookies and marshmallow strawberry treats. This is ironic because our family does not eat many sweets. In fact, there is not one sweet treat made in our home which does not end up at our church or neighbors house.

So there we were, cleaning dishes and chatting about parenting, friends, work and what not. Then came the blind side. "I sure love cooking, but these dishes gotta go" It took a moment to sink in before I realized what she said. The girl who claims she can't draw stick figures had just confessed she was an artist.

The curtain had been pulled back. It was a glimpse into the sweet creative mind. The mind that delights in creating. In my bride I saw a reflection of God's image which takes tasteless things and turns them into beautiful objects, sweet and delightful.

Many people think artist are creative. This is only part true. Real creativity is rooted in love. God is love and He is the ultimate artist. Every time we create (songs, cupcakes, friendships, houses, paintings, jet planes, heart valves etc..) we reflect the Father's image. When creating is born from love you have art. Life is a grand canvas, and he has given us a sweet creative mind.

Ephesians 2:10 
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.