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Adoption and Fear

The “Orphan Mindset” happens when an adopted child lives as if abandoned despite being surrounded by security and love. This is often demonstrated in hording provisions to give the illusion of control. Biblically, adoption is an act of God’s grace where we are received and have all the privileges as children in the family of God. In short, spiritual growth is moving from and orphan mindset to trusting the adoption promised in Christ.”

Gone. Gone. Gone. 

A threat evaporated and whist beyond. 

No more guarded glances or last scraps guessing if cold and hunger might hush. 

This home is quiet. The walls clean and fortified with kindness. 

Her smile is framed on the mantle and the scent of rosemary warms the air: a promise of love. 

But something inside her whispered, “don’t trust this”.
