Table grace

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Thinking of a Friend who Fell

Some mistakes are more pubic than others. Sadly, our response is often from preservation rather than grace. Something in us says, “if you associate, then you endorse”. This is not Christ like. I know this, but struggle to apply it. Love, care and time are reflections of us, not another’s actions. The love of Christ is demonstrated to those without. This does not diminish Christ, but glorifies him. I confess how often I look like the final line.

Thinking of a Friend who Fell

Last night an invisible man fell through the skylight. 

For years, day in and out, he observed our rising and resting. 

He had been spying on us for a lifetime.

In the storm, we glimpsed a silhouette between the snow and glass 

And laughed with dregs at the memories of 12 great years. 

Without warning, crash, an avalanche of snow and glass

Wine and blood now mingled in our feast. 

Across the table, his broken body, evidence of a man we thought we knew. 

One by one, we slip away.

-B. Oaks